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Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Bucket Project

Wow, It was so organized
Look at the top of the picture. Those are the buckets that were done earlier in the week.
Don't tell Clay but Lily was touching him.
Cole is adding the lids
Lily and Mom folding masks
breaking up the boxes

So I have been thinking of a service project to do for the holidays. The Humanitarian Services Room at the DI was doing a huge project we call the Bucket Project. It is like the Hygiene Kits but for cleaning your house or area you live in that has been destroyed by natural disaster. Anyway. Tad the kids and I went to the Bishops Storehouse early Saturday morning and gave service filling buckets. We were there The Anthem Stake from Henderson. We did 17,000 buckets. Wow, we were there for 2 hours and had a blast. The Clay helped manage the empty boxes and fill the buckets, he got to use a box cutter. Cole also helped pound the lids on the buckets after they were filled. Lily had a bunch of fun, she did a little of everything. She filled some buckets, put the masks and towles in zip lock bags and helped break down boxes. Tad helped restock supplies and helped to organize the crews. I was put on bleach duty. I put bleach in peoples buckets for 2 hours. I have a blister on each finger and sore arms.
I am so greatful to have been able to do this. Brother and Sister Hoogland were so nice for letting me bring the kids (16 and older is the rule). They are amazing missionaries and have taught me alot about service and the community around me. There is an amazing couple that are missionaries, they are the Ankenmans, Brother A is my Grandpa Hardman only not really. He sharpened Tad's knife to better than new and showed the boys a bunch of cool things. A super nice man that I am happy to work with. Well I hope you enjoy the pictures and have a Merry Christmas.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Aunt Jill is the best

Aunt Jill is watching the kids this week while they are on track break. She is the best. She has taken them to the store, by her self with Daven. Wow I dont even do that... The kids are having a blast and love playing with Daven all day.
I just want to say a huge THANKS to Aunt Jill and Uncle Trevor for helping us out.